Live Symptom Free––Are You Vitamin Savvy?
Live Symptom Free––Are You Vitamin Savvy?
It is estimated that nearly one-third of Americans are not getting adequate vitamins or minerals in their daily diets. Stats from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that only 33% of Americans eat the recommended 2-or-more servings of fruit each day and 26% eat the recommended 3-9 servings of vegetables per day.
I shared in an earlier post that it is challenging for even the most intentional, wellness-minded person to get adequate amounts of nutrients for various reasons. Depleted soil conditions, food transport and storage, poor cooking methods, big food producers promoting low quality/toxic foods, not to mention our own stress levels or poor digestive function play a vital role in our body’s ability to absorb acceptable (quality and quantity) nutrients.
Let’s look at a few more ways our bodies communicate to us the need to improve or increase our nutrient intake. The amazing human body gives us clues when it is operating at less than optimal levels. So, if you notice some of these “signs,” you may want to take a closer look at your daily food consumption as well as your vitamin/mineral supplementation. If you experience any severe symptoms, a complete blood work-up may give you a clearer interpretation of what’s really going on in your body.
So, if you notice these conditions, you’ll want to consider taking the necessary supplement for repair and rebuilding. Sooner is better than later, as some symptoms left unchecked may progress into a more serious condition.
Then you may need to take:
Vitamin C and Zinc
Omega-3’s / Essential Fatty Acids
Vitamin A
Magnesium and Vitamin B1
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
If you have:
Sugar cravings
Frequent colds
White spots on finger/toe nails
Soft or brittle nails
Small bumps on back of upper arms
Dry eyes
Altered smell and taste
Restless leg/shaking hands
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Bleeding Gums
I also shared in an earlier post that not all vitamins are created equal. In some cases, your vitamins may be making you sick! The supplement market is broad and it’s no surprise that dozens of popular brands may contain only 10% of the ingredients listed on the labels. Yes, this gets me riled!!! Consumers should be able to trust the quality of their food or supplement purchases, but that’s a topic for another day!
As wise women, I know you’ll become intentional “noticers” of your body and its messages, then nourish, nurture and supplement appropriately.